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The Showground

It’s the week before the show begins and the steam engines get their boilers lit

Drivers wait patiently for them to reach operating temperature

All the time keen to get them out on the open road
Tonne after tonne of coal is fed into the ever hungry belly of the machine

All the while drivers behind toot horns impatiently as mile after mile is devoured.

Eventually the field becomes a spot on the horizon that looms closer and closer.

As soon as they arrive, they bank up the boiler – it cannot go out.

The engine driver turns on a tap on the front of his engine and fills his kettle with boiling water.
Cups, teabags, coffee and sugar are all found and a drink drunk as they await the arrival of the caravan.
The caravan is pitched up and drivers bed down to chill a few days – all the time keeping the belly of the beast full.

After an eternal wait, more and more steam engines and caravans arrive and barbeques and chimineas are erected alongside the lonely caravan

Petrol generators add their hum to the clankity clank of the idling engines and the wait continues.
Ropes mark out a huge square of the field and cars, motorbikes and busses arrive, all with a caravan, tent or motorhome of their own.

Tractors come and the roar gets louder.
Food vans, barrel organs and stationary engines come to contribute
Fairground rides tag along for the fun of it and stalls are erected.

On Friday night, the trucks, and Tanks arrive and the field bustles with activity.
Vehicles are placed in rows, caravans pitched up, tents built, portaloos are sited, generators roar louder and louder as night draws in.
Then… Silence as bedtime arrives
At 8am on Saturday, the doors open to the public and everything seems to start all at once.
Smell the coal of the steam engines, the diesel and paraffin of the tractors, the petrol of the cars – and listen to that din.

Off in the distance, a faint voice talks over the tannoy and the tractors make their way down to the roped square like a long metal snake as the barrel organs and fairground rides jump into life.

Later on, we’ll head down to the stalls and smell the candy floss and pork cobs. We’ll buy gifts for family and friends, all the time enjoying the sights and sounds of the showground.

At midnight everything goes silent again before starting at 8am on Sunday. This time, it ends at 5pm and the trucks, cars, stationary engines, tanks, motorbikes and tractors are all placed back onto trailers, caravans, tents, stalls and food vans are all packed away and removed from the field. Peace is restored and you hear “See you again, Next year”
Finally, the steam engines are all alone again. He’ll wait a few days before he heads off to a new steam rally and does it all over again.

The Holiday

We’re packing up the camper today
Won’t you come long with us?
Don’t know where we will go
Don’t know yet where we will stay
Could be this layby or that parking bay
One thing that is certain is that the time will be gay

We could sit by the sea
Supping a cup of tea
Or by the motorway
Just passing time of day
Or even tin the countryside
Watching the sun set over a glass of wine

Hopefully, the weather will be fine
For there’s lots to see and do
There’ll even be time for the odd treat or two
Or even just time for me and you

Look After Her

See the little girl standing there?
Take her into your arms and hug her
For soon, the time will come when she’ll need you

She’s going to go through Hell on earth
And she’ll be so alone
Reach out to her
And let her know you are there

Don’t laugh and tell her it can’t be
Because it can and did
No one will know that more than she

Let her tell you all about her angels
And cry and scream if she likes
Help her to find all the pieces
Not only of her heart, but her soul too

Sit and hold her close as she mourns
For not only did she lose 6 lives
She lost herself too

Tell her that the road will be rough
And give her a hug from me
Let her see that you are her light in the dark
And the haven she needs most of all

The Reaction

I'm awake
I'm scared
I can't see
I'm fighting to dress myself

Can't get help naked
Won't get help if I stay here

Now I'm dressed
Hope I got it right
Locked the door
Glad I left the key in

Count the steps
Remember there are 13
Walk up the slope
Those steps are funny

Tilt your head back, you can see
Don't rely on it too much though, it hurts
Feel the fences and hedges you pass

That's it, you made the corner
Head back, force eyes open
Can you see the light
I think I can, I'm too far away
Cross the road, glad it's not busy

Close your eyes and feel the hedges
Careful, it curves here
Hey! Where's it gone!
Force eyes open
Yes!!! The light's on
Five steps more to the corner

Cross the road and up the drive
Bang on the gate
Help, I can't see

Oh my God, panic stations
I'm safe now, on my way to hospital
"Come here, hold on to me"

Light's bright on the back of my eyelids
Force eyes open, it's a blur
See a blob of blue before me

Corridor stretches for miles
A bed at last
Sharp scratch - So cold
A warm blanket

Then - "Don't panic but we've called an ambulance"

Scared now, am I going to die?
Rolling through the hospital
Cold again - shivering
Warm again, travelling a long way
Where am I?

Now I'm "there"
Cold again
Something's in my hand
That hurt
Hand's cold inside
Rest a while

Try to open eyes
Can see a little better
Rest a while more
Keep talking
Open eyes
Feels strange, something's in the way
But I can see again

Fight to keep eyes open
With time it gets easier
8am, feel better now
I can go home to bed

Will You Be The One?

Will you be the one that holds me tight
Can you guide me through this endless night
And give me the strength to fight
Until morning's light

Will you watch me fail
And be the light in the dark
Can you stay strong when I am weak
Be my faith when I have none

Is yours the voice of courage
That whispers “Pick yourself up, carry on”
When I feel that hope is gone
And my will to go on is none

I might go wrong
And leave it too long
But I'll remember the words of the song
I only hope you can be strong.

The Voices

Every day, I hear them
Into my head they creep
Where they spill their poison so deep
Every day, I fight
To turn my back and walk to the light
I know that they aren't right
Admiring the beautiful sight

Until day gives way to night
Every night, I lay me down to sleep
I quietly whisper "Talk is cheap"
The wounds don't cut so deep
I'm not in a heap
As I close my eyes
I hope that's the last time I hear their lies
And maybe tomorrow, I'll be free of their ties

Ode To The Sun

Here I lie

Feeling your fingers caress my face

My insides are aglow with the beginnings of hope
I'm content to lay here basking in the warmth of your touch

As I listen to your promises

Pretty soon, I'll have to go about my day

But I know that you are never far away.
I'll feel your every caress

I know that I can never get enough of you. 

The day draws to a close

You'll bury your face

And whisper

"I'll see you tomorrow, my dear"
As I lay me down to sleep

I think of you and hope that your promise you'll keep

I miss you already and yearn for your caress

What If?

What if I found the courage to dare?
Would you even care?
Could you be the one with whom I share?
Or are you one who'd rather stand and stare?


I've come a long way to be where I am today
And the road hasn't always been happy and gay
Now I need somewhere to stay
Could you be the one, come what may?


I need someone to hear me speak
And fold me in his arms to keep
To gaze into my eyes so deep
Maybe even hold my hand as I leap


I know I still have a long way to go
I hope I allowed my potential to show
And the right guy wants to know
Hopefully, he won't be scared by the show

Please Set Me Free

Please set me free
Just give me a chance to show
That I love you so
I don't want to go
And leave you feeling so low

I just want a life
That isn't full of strife
I know that I'm your wife
Don't cut me with a knife

Please give me a chance to fly
Rather than making me want to cry
Beat me for long enough and I'll want to die
Please don't make me live a lie
I want to be free
Free to be me


Alone in the night 
Her heart suppresses a groan 
And she allows her mind to wander

The empty hours stretch endlessly 
The dawn is reluctant to set her free 
It seems that the world is content to leave her be

The memories come fast 
Of a love that wasn't built to last 
In her heart, the flag is always at half mast


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