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The School 2

The day starts quietly, just like any other
The Caretaker’s boots echo hollowly down the hall
He opens doors to the left and doors to the right
Checking to be sure that everything’s alright

Children and teachers start arriving in their droves
The noise rising and falling like drones
Our Caretaker’s in and out of his office
The youngsters call him the Scaretaker

He sees all
Yet seldom speaks
Could be just a shadow
On the go from dawn
Until dusk
And sometimes beyond

His is the thankless job
Not always attributable
All too soon, the day is at an end
He walks down the quiet halls one again
Locking the doors to the left and to the right.

Before he turns out the lights
He breathes in deeply
Smelling the clean smell
And hoping that this is the last time he’ll
Be seeing the school tonight.

Never Forget The Price They Paid

There’s a price associated with most everything
Starting with the men and women losing their lives in a foreign land
Families left home awaiting their return
Never knowing when or if the call will come
Some even get killed or bombed out

You never know when the sirens will moan
Forcing you out of bed with a groan
Into the shelter you hop
With every bomb your ears go pop
Trying to have a lark
Down in the dark

Through it all, they keep on a happy face
Although they’ve seen and dealt with things no one else would
Digging for victory was good
To be part of the race
Getting food on everyone’s plates

Peace time came around
Seems so long ago now
The battles aren’t on home soil
So it’s easy to forget the price they paid

So many lives were lost in so many different ways
Some came back in coffins
Others can never be the same
Families twisted, turned and distorted

The School

As I walk down corridors long unused
Glass crunches underfoot
Laughter echoes hollowly from the rooms
The air is full of acrid fumes
From the science labs on the left

Further in I’m drawn
Lessons in history on the right
Or so the notice board says
Long gone are the days
Filled in so many ways

At the heart of the school is the cafeteria
Huge ovens agape
Seemingly asking for one last meal
In the back of my mind reside
Stories of three fingered Jack

Stepping out into the yard
Once little more than a car park
Way back in time,
Children once played
Where there was no shade

Further down the road
There’s the old toilets
Only used for storage for many a year
The parents hold them dear

Sadly, the school will become history
Just another story
For parents young and old

She Was A Broken Down Angel

She was a broken down angel
Her hopes and dreams dismissed
She was the unteachable
Just a waste of space at the back of class

She went through more than a child should
She was a child having children
Precious angels who soar high above
She never shared her pain
For there was nothing could be gained

Ask her about abuse and she could tell you all
Her self worth was gone
Her confidence was none
Who’d love someone who had nothing to give?
Struggling everyday just to live?

Just a means to an end for most men
Then the day came when she saw him
He was good to her
He took the shell he had and turned the angel back into a woman again

It was okay to look up when you talk to people
There’s no need to be sorry for everything
The dark is gone now
The shadows are drowned by the light

Age is just a number
And disabilities are abilities
Knowledge is easily found
Hold your head high and be proud

Not just of who you were
But of who you are
And who you are going to be


Labels are everywhere
In the name you are given
Even before you are born, you have one

No matter what you buy in the shop, it comes with a label
Your gender and sexuality are but labels too
Even on the internet you are labelled

So what is in a label?
The answer is simple but true
Labels are designed to make you blue
They don’t make you you!

Happy Mother's Day

As each Spring comes
We get just one chance to say
Just how wonderful you are
Not just this one Day
But the year through

This is our chance to say “Thank you”
To a mother as wonderful as you

Happy Mother’s Day

It's A Sign Of The Times

It’s a sign of the times
The once bustling high street lies empty and forlorn
I walk down what used to be a busy area
And empty shops stretch as far as the eye can see

It’s a sign of the times
The ugly boards choke the light out of the buildings
Made uglier still by the hundreds of posters dumped on the outside

It’s a sign of the times
Cars don’t travel this way any more
The area’s pedestrian only
There are no trains, the station was demolished years ago
What’s the point of the buses?
We have nowhere for tourists to spend their money

It’s a sign of the times
That our elderly are forced to order their shopping online
No one will nip to the shop for a dime
Who’s going to brave the climb
To fetch a lime
When you get to the bottom and see it’s what you forgot

It’s just a sign of the times

The Chained Dog

You keep kicking this dog
You never wonder why
She keeps on coming back for more
The truth is that you’ve taken her very core

She can’t give you any more
All she knows is pain
As long as a lonely lane

She doesn’t have any emotion left
For bit by bit, you stripped it from her
You started small
Telling her who she could and couldn’t call

You grew tall
While she remained small
You know she’ll never break away
Because she has nothing to take away

How proud you must be
To hold that key.

Ode To The Ice Road Truckers

At the top of the world is a job only few would dare
Yet fewer still even care
About those who haul heavy loads
Up on the ice roads

They lay thier lives on the line
To be sure that needed loads
Make it across the roads
So that we can have oil, gas, coal and even gold

They know that each load could be their last
As they rush to enter the dash
For the cash
And hope that they are still here
To do it again next year

Another day has gone by
Yet no one can tell me why
You had to go
And leave me so low
and crying NO

Another Day Is Gone

The Wonderful Life Of A Facebook Addict

Here’s a poem for all us facebook addicts out there.

The wonderful life of a Facebook addict

I get up in the morning full of good intentions

Mapped out in my head are the chores I’ll do

Then I think “What harm can it do…”

“Just to pop on to facebook while I drink my brew”

I talk to the walls first,

Then I check on my farms, fish and cafes

After that come the requests…

Ain’t it funny the way the little blighters always stay at 100?

Then it’s off to the pub I go…

Clean the tables, bars and floors, even the door.

I restock it with fresh food and drink

Quizes galore offer me a chance to find out the name of my true love and first baby – even my wedding date.

Just a shame that none of them will never be right

At the top of the screen another little red 1 pops up

And I’m off to be a little butterfly

Fluttering about my screen.

Before I know it, the day is done

It’s time to say goodbye

Before my eyes close and my keyboard becomes my pillow

I change my status for the last time and hope that the last one out

Will remember to lock the door and turn out the light.

The Story Of Race

As I walk the streets,
I wonder, Do we really live in the land of the free?
Looking around me, I see
Communities of whites
And communities of blacks

Few dare to cross the line
That cannot be seen
You have to wonder just how long it’s been
Yet the story is still the same

The color of your skin
Determines if you can be kin
Much can be learned
If only trust can be earned

Mothers are scared to let their children mix
Fathers swear their child will marry one of their race
Far below the surface
The stench rises,
Just like mace


In the dead of night he came
Forced me to endure his pain
Now I can never be the same
For I can’t find my way in the rain

They say to turn from the pain
But there’s nothing to gain
Who’s going to want me now?
My spirit is so low

Few want to look at the wounds I bear
They don’t even care
That the simplest things can give me a scare
And I see horrors only a few would dare

They say “Get on with life”
But never stay to help with the strife
Can I ever be a wife
Or even have a life

I need help to feel again
Someone to help me to heal

It's Just Another Day

It’s just another day
Sat here doing nothing much
Living with the constant throbs
Of various aches

Just another day of trying to make ends meet
Keeping boredom at bay
Knowing that tomorrow is just another day
Filled in the same way as today

A life wasted
Nothing good can become
When your dreams are of things that can’t be done
Vague memories of what could have been
Should have been
And would have been
Had things panned out a different way

It’s just another day
Spent in dispair
A body falling into disreapair
Doors are closing
And hope fading

Dreams are nothing
People get out
With no hope of staying away
At the end of the day
Only one thing is certain
I’ve no chance of getting away

Don't Give Up On Me, Mummy

Don’t give up on me, Mummy
You’ll go through lots of heartache to get me, Mummy
Even have to fight for me to live, Mummy
I won’t be the perfect child that you imagined, Mummy
But I can still make you proud… if you’ll let me, Mummy

I’ll be disabled, Mummy
But I’ll go to a normal school, Mummy
Where we will know what I need to learn, Mummy
But the powers that be will deny us, Mummy
They’ll blame it on me, Mummy
Even label me as unteachable, Mummy

They’ll tell you to deny me my dreams, Mummy
But with the right help, I’ll succeed in the end, Mummy
Just have faith in me, Mummy
Watch me fail in school, Mummy
Their systems aren’t right for me, you see, Mummy

My turn to shine will come after that, Mummy
When I’m grown up, the bullies will be gone, Mummy
We’ll both know what I need, Mummy
And the systems that held me down will be gone, Mummy

Of your 3 children, I’ll be the most educated, Mummy
I’ll be sitting at the top of the class, Mummy
And when my education is complete,
I’ll go and live abroad, Mummy

Take Me Back

Take me back
To a time when the 6 week holidays seemed to last for forever
All I had to do was play innocent games
And explore the neighborhood

Take me back to happier days
No bullies in the playground
Space to run forever
The safety of mum never too far away

Lining up every night
To have a bath and get splinters removed
Happy and carefree
Always something good happening

Take me back
To building sandcastles on the beach
And trying to get the swing to go the whole way round
Plasters on a grazed knee
And a all soothing hug from mum

A Life Wasted

A life wasted contains no hopes and dreams
Each day spent bumbling around
Trying to fill the void between this life and the next.

The flame is extinguished
The passion’s gone
And the will to live is not far behind

Take the time to have hopes and dreams
Always aim high
Sure, you may miss
But at least you’ll land high
The stars will be your friends

If you succeed,
Then you’ll be living a dream
For there is no worse waste than a life wasted.


Today, I’m building sandcastles
Who knows what tomorrow may bring
I’m sorry, I have and will make mistakes
But with you here still
We will both learn and grow

Even though the road might get rough and rocky
Please know that I love you still
For you are me and I you

The day will come when my baby has babies of their own
They’ll vow not to make the same mistakes as I made
But they’ll be busy making their own
I’ll be there to help raise my grandchildren as best I can

The Great Depression

Every Fall, the mist descends
Like an all consuming fog
Ever faithful as a loyal dog
I want to sleep like a log

It’s a fact that you get worse before you get better
Yet I’m the undeserving debtor
You consume all in your path
Nothing is safe from your wrath

I have to be bold
And know that Spring will release your hold
As the flowers turn to gold

Friends Over The Ocean

She sits before her computer
Her fingers fly across the keys
And her messages fly across the miles

It seems that it’s all too easy
To forget about the miles
And the differing timezones
As her friends say good night
And log off to go to bed

She realises that she’s been up the whole night
She doesn’t mind though
Deep in her heart
Her friends reside
And she knows that across the miles
Her friends share the same feelings

Who knew that such great friendships
Could be formed
From 3 women who shared 1 common desire
To help others to collect them all
And all on Facebook

The Life Of A Camera

I’m a camera.
I have a whole host of uses
From capturing the world from a child’s point of view
To snapping Gram’s lil treasures

I’m typically used to snap happy events so everyone finds it easy to smile for me
Although sometimes I have to be at sad events, too
People don’t smile so easily then
Their smile is strained
And the sadness is plain for all to see.

Over the course of my life, I might be held in many hands
Before being consigned to a drawer and forgotten about
Please don’t weep for me
My legacy lives on
In the millions of pictures I’ve taken.

I Am Not What You Say

You say I am ignorant
I am not ignorant I have an invisible disability
You say I am not worth educating
I feel you should look at your teaching style
You say I am ugly
I say beauty lies inside
You say I’ll never amount to anything
I say I had the last laugh there
You say I’m boring
I say I’d rather have no friends than a friend like you
You say my life is easy
I say you know nothing
You say I can’t do it
I say watch me
You say I’m stupid
I say the fault is yours for not being clear enough
You say I am worthless
I say walk a mile in my shoes then judge me

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